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Food prices are hiking, still, we will not cancel our traditional Christmas food distribution

Food distributing charities are under huge pressure from rising food prices, still, Food for Life programme will nonetheless hold its food distribution events during the festivities. The love feasts will have at least 5400 guests at several locations in the capital city and at country cities, among them, Eger and Debrecen. We will also bring free food to the impoverished villages of Zala, Bács-Kiskun and Somogy counties and the Jász region.

Struggle with the price hikes – help is needed more than ever

The economic downturn caused by the pandemic resulted in increasing comsumer prices lately, which is making the life of many thousands more difficult. Civil organisations can help to some extent. At the same time, the same civil and religious charity organisations themselves are struggling with the hiking prices. At the Food for Life Foundation, the increasing prices, combined with the increasing number of people needing its service resulted in a 30% rise in expenses. The free parcels distributed in aid contain the most essential and most expensive items: cooking oil, the price of which has increased most spectacularly, flour, sugar, margarine etc.

We expect that the number or aid applications will increase, but our ability to cope with increasing numbers while maintaining quality will largely depend on the contributions from individuals and firms. There has never been a greater need of cooperation. Even though we try to follow a frugal regime, any price discounts, free services and donations are indispensable for our aid activities to continue.

Festival at the points of aid

This festivity season, our food distribution programme envisages to serve 5400 guests at distriution sites or at aid institutions. At most points, local governments will vet the applications for eligibility, approving aid for those who need most to save their existence and to celebrate Christmas properly.

Food for Life is waiting for the socially disadvantaged with freshly cooked food and bakeries on six days of the week throughout the whole year, but now, at the food distributions they also receive a food parcel with at least 12 items – canned food, UHT milk, sugar, cooking oil, pasta, and sweet and savoury snacks.

Celebrities behind the counter

Every year, our volunteers include famous people as well. A regular participant is conductor Ivan Fischer with his family, Dorottya Geszler will also participate with her daughter. A Hare Krishna celebrity, Bálint Molnár, who has eebn a finalist in the TV reality show TV2 Ninja Warrior will also come to the People’s Forest as well. In spite of this young age, he considers donating, helping the disadvantaged, an important part of his life. The front man of the band Kaukázus, János Kardos-Horváth, the winner of the contest of lyric writers will also help to distribute food. Their presence enhances the event and calls attention to the importance of caring for our fellow human beings.

Donate life!

Nagylelkű adományodnak, a vállalkozói támogatásoknak és a személy jövedelemadód 1%-ának köszönhetően tudunk ennyi nehéz sorsú embert támogatásban részesíteni, és ezt csakis összefogással lehet véghez vinni. Számít Thanks to your magnanimous donation, the donations of firms, and the earmarking of 1 per cent of your Personal Income Tax, we have been able to help so many people with difficulties. This can only continue with large scale cooperation. Your help matters! Our religious organisation and our Food for Life Foundation wholeheartedly expect to get your monetary and food donations. Click: