Food for Life Hungary is helping those displaced by the conflict

Repatriation of Indian students studying in the Ukraine has started a few days ago. The first group of 250 students got back to India through Hungary on February 26.

The Food for Life humanitarian programme of the Hungarian Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON Hungary) is helping those displaced by the conflict. The Honourable State Minister for foreign affairs of India, Mr Vellamvelly Muraleedharan expressed his thanks to the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) for the action in Hungary in a Tweeter post.

We will not stop in our mission, our people are  out there on the Eastern border to assist those who arrive. Our English speaking video gives an update on our charity mission.

Donations can be sent to the following bank account:

Account holder: Ételt az Életért Alapítvány
IBAN HU55 1030 0002 1063 1840 4902 0019


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