Adószámunk: 18095575-1-41 | Bankszámlaszámunk: 10300002-10631840-49020019 (MBH Bank)

Our activities

We help locally, with local strength

involving local foundations and entrepreneurs

Szegényélelmezési programunk keretében meleg ebédet, kenyeret, innivalót, idény gyümölcsöt, zöldségeket és finompékárut, alkalmanként édességet és egyéb kiegészítő ételeket. Étkeztetési programunk a hajléktalanellátás Our poor-support food program includes hot lunches, breads, drinks, seasonal fruits, vegetables and delicacies, occasional sweets and other complementary foods. In addition to homeless care, our catering program is an essential part of family support and care for the elderly. The majority of homeless people sleep in hostels so their satisfactory diet is unresolved.This helps the obligatory austerity program for all those living in temporary homes for families, for all struggling with debt, the elderly and large families. We provide the opportunity for them to eat properly, support to cover other expenses such as overheads, medicine, loan repayments, etc. – all this, by reducing their own food costs.Thus, contributing to the prevention of further indebtedness of the affected persons and the loss of their housing.

There has been a growing demand for such supporting meals in the recent years, with an increasing number of impoverished families losing their jobs as a result of the coronavirus crisis. Our goal is to make it possible for us all to maintain an independent lifestyle and keep our homes.

More than half a million bowls of hot food per year


Festive food distribution

Christmas love feast

20 venues, more than 6,000 servings of food

The purpose of this decades-long aid program is to raise awareness of the importance of tolerance and compassion for each other by giving hope and faith to more than a thousand people a day through food gift packages. We want to achieve an extraordinary social cohesion in order to selflessly help our fellow human beings.

We encourage supportive people who want to donate, to join us and distribute their donations these days so that they can come into personal contact with other people of difficult destiny, so that an honest, helpful communication can develop between them. Our charity program moves 80-100 volunteers a day, from logistics, distribution to cleaning, one can join a variety of work processes in consultation with our foundation in advance.

Feeding children

Our organization strives to expand the range of its programs for children. Our hearts carry the physical and mental health of the next generation of our society.

We consider it an important goal to support all disadvantaged and disabled children and families, especially those in need.

We provide hot lunches to the young people living in the Bokréta Housing Homes and to the children of the Fellegajtó Nyitogató Alapítvány on a daily basis, as the age group living here requires a large amount of food several times a day due to their developmental characteristics.

In addition, we have been delivering cold and hot food packages and sweets to children’s temporary homes, family homes, hostels, etc. We believe that through our activities, in addition to meeting the basic physical needs of young people, we also contribute to their mental health.

Emergency aid

Our organization also seeks to be involved in the care of victims and rescue professionals in disaster situations.

As the most important activity of our foundation is catering, we also provide people who have experienced tragedies with hot food, or if not applicable, then then with durable food. After the restoration of basic living conditions, our organization joins the rescue work, mostly in the first week after the disaster, when the majority of those in need have already received safe accommodation in a well-defined place.

We maintain food for as long as the Disaster Management deems necessary, and then hand over the space to the Reconstruction, Personal Restoration and Replacement Forces. Provision can be made for thousands of people a day in such crises, as our volunteers did after the tsunami in Sri Lanka, the earthquake in Haiti, the floods in Felsőzsolca or the Danube, the mudflats in Devecser, and the refugee crisis.